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REsources for teen dads

Being a young father has a lot of unique challenges.  If you are in this situation (or will be soon) you probably have a lot of different emotions about your future and how to best handle the situation.  The good news is you have found the site dedicated to you.

Preparing for one of life’s most important journeys

Tip #1

One of the most important aspects to being a Father is to focus on “self help.”  In other words, what are some things that you need to be doing to improve yourself in order to be the best Dad possible.

Tip #2

Preparing to be a Dad is one of the most important time investments you can make.  People spend hours, days, and weeks planning for events in life that pale in comparison to the rewards and impacts of Fatherhood.

“Pillars of Success”

Keep in mind there are a lot of men who have been in your place.  They have been young fathers and can now look back and tell others what knowledge helped them and just as importantly, what knowledge would have been useful from the start.  With that in mind, here are some of the most important “pillars of success” you should master according to those who have experienced being a teen dad.

Legalities of being a Dad (rights and obligations).

Parenting Methods

Childhood Development

Life Skills

Mental Health Partners

We have teamed up with Mental Health partners to help you focus on getting help preparing for Fatherhood.

Legal Council

Get access to free legal advice to help you understand any legal matters that may apply to your situation.

Parenting Courses

Put simply, the more you know the better parent you can become.  Take courses in childhood development and/or parenting skills.

Job Training

For those of you looking for guidance or learning a trade, we have partners that can help.

Educational Library


Select from a variety of educational information to help you in your journey.

Legal Article for Dads

Depending on your situation, you may need to seek legal counsel regarding visitation, custody and financial obligations.  Many young Fathers mistake that they do not have equal rights to their child.  Simply put, that is not the case, but there are times you need to review your rights with an attorney. 

And yes, you also have a financial obligation to your child (varies) by State.  This is another situation that often times you need to consult with an attorney to make sure you are paying what is owed.  There is often, discounted or free options available so be sure to utilize those services.

How to control emotions

One of the most important skills every Father should master is controlling any negative (i.e. anger) emotions.  The best advice we can give you is to plan and practice.  There will be plenty of situations where a Partner or your child pushes your limits.  Recognize this situation (and practice on the not as intense situations) learning to maintain yourself like a pro.  It is one of those skills that will greatly improve your journey.

Effective communication with Mom

Whether you have a great relationship, a bad relationship or no relationship with the Mother, you better learn how to effectively communicate.  From experienced Dads, the most common reccomendations (when the relationship is not good) is to be matter of fact, listen fairly and even when it is tough, be respectful.  At some point, good communication and proving to be a good Dad will make an impact to them and your child.  It just may take a while!

How to raise a great kid

Learning to raise a great kid is a never ending task.  Throughout this journey you should constantly seek out more information from credible resources and people whose opinion you respect.  However, a good starting point is focus on knowledge, love and consistency.  The Founder of this site (Eathan O’Bryant) also provides more in an upcoming video (coming soon) Titled “You 2.0.”   It is a great premise for raising a child and essentially means to take what you are good at in life and instill that in your child and the things you lack or needed, find a way to instill that as well.

Fatherly life skills

One of the most important concepts for a young Father to master is to constantly improve yourself.  The better job you can obtain, the less bad habits you have, the better communication skills you have will all impact this journey.  Never stop improving yourself!

About was founded by Eathan O’Bryant.  Eathan is a former Harlem Globetrotter and University of Nevada Reno Hall of Fame athlete.

He spent several years helping young athletes achieve their athletic potential before deciding to start a nonprofit called Youth In Pursuit.  Within this new venture, he decided to focus primarily on young dads.

When asked “why young dads?” his answer is very clear.  “By helping young dads, we help multiple generations.  Young Fathers who choose to be great dads will no doubt lead happier more for fulfilling lives and that child will no doubt have a better life as well.”




We want to thank you for your financial support.

Top Advice from our Donors 

“The best advice I could give to a young father is to know that it pays off later in life.  Be there for your kid(s) and it will likely be the most rewarding outcome in life.”

D. Jebson

“People don’t expect Teen Dads to be great dads.  Be just that.  Educate yourself, love your kid(s), be there in good times and bad and your kid(s) will turn out great.”

S. Santos

“You always have a choice.  Be a great dad or don’t be.  Choose wisely.  It may seem terrible today but it really will be the most important relationship you ever built”

K. Verber

The Basics.  Info you must know.

Child Development 101

Learn the basics of what your child is experiencing at different stages in their early life.  Knowing this info is critical to your Fatherhood journey.

Parenting 101

This video will help you  understand some of the most valuable parenting skills AND quit possibly save you from a few mistakes.

Self Help 101

What does self help mean?  Great video on getting yourself in a good spot to be the best Dad possible.

Drugs & Alcohol

The “old” Drugs and Alcohol video,  BUT this one is worth watching.  The good, the bad and the ugly.

This is a “thank you” to some of those who have financially supported supporting

Caesars Entertainment

E.L .Cord Foundation


Reliable Framing

The Carano Family


We have additional resources available for Teen Dads in Need.  If you are a Teen Dad and would like to see if you qualify, simply click the link and fill out the form.  These resources are for those young Dads who will use resources to be the best dad possible.